Indulge your senses and savour the small moments with my range of delicate porcelain vases, cups, bowls and pouring jugs.
These vessels aren’t mass produced – they’re individually created to complement their contents (whether a stunning bunch of roses, a medley of berries or dash of fresh cream to add to your morning brew) and encourage you to embrace the beauty in your daily rituals.
I’m talking about your food – allow yourself to appreciate the smells, colours and flavours of every bite, while admiring the delicate ceramic dish that hugs it. Slow down and enjoy your coffee – it deserves so much more than a takeaway lid. Sit back and truly admire those fresh flowers – they’re one of nature’s most divine gifts that deserve to be partnered with an equally divine vase.
Handmade locally and ethically, these everyday treasures are grouped in collections which share similar forms, textures and intents.